Queensland’s fresh produce supply chain took a hit with the Brisbane Markets® at Rocklea inundated by floodwater due to the recent wild weather. However, it was the passion and commitment of those working through the supply chain, including independent fruit and veg shops, that ensured fresh fruit and vegetables could quickly get back onto the tables of households throughout Queensland.

Independent fruiterer and A better choice! retailer Adam Jeffs from Megafresh Browns Plains said everyone in the industry worked together and went above and beyond to make sure customers were able to get what they needed, with a few of the Market Wholesalers continuing to operate in a limited way.

“Another local fruit shop sold me all their stock as their shop was getting flooded and ended up going under. Due to the extra stock, I was able to maintain a reasonable stock level and we did not run out,” said Adam.

“Everyone was working around the clock to get produce back into the stores for our customers.”

Adam said that it was a real team effort to get operations up and running again with the Brisbane Markets® and the wholesalers who operate at the Markets working through the night.

“The Markets were able to turn things around very quickly,” said Adam.

The Brisbane Markets® is home to Queensland’s only central fruit and vegetable market and is the state’s most important centre for the marketing and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables. It records annual trade in excess of 700 million kilograms of produce including a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Businesses right through the fresh produce supply chain who have been affected by this wild weather need the support of the Queensland community.  By shopping at your local, independent fruit and veg shop, you are not only supporting them, but are supporting the businesses who operate from the Brisbane Markets®, most of which have suffered significant losses from the floods.

Despite the great work done to get trade back up and running, there is much still to do, and consumers can help by buying local. Local, independent fruit and veg shops provide customers with a better choice of quality, freshness, and service. They give customers the opportunity to shop as close to home as possible while supporting their local community.

“My fruit and veg shop is now stocked ready for the weekend.”


Adam Jeffs from Megafresh Browns Plains


About A Better Choice!

The A Better Choice! program supports over 500 independent retailers and wholesalers across the country who supply more than half of Australia’s fresh produce each year. In Queensland, the A Better Choice! program is run by Brismark and supported by the Brisbane Markets. More information about A Better Choice! including retailers and wholesalers can be found by visiting www.abetterchoice.com.au

Media contacts:

Karen Tilke, Business and Service Delivery Manager, Brismark

Phone: 0417 207 233 or Email: [email protected]

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