  • From the same family as pumpkin, melons, cucumbers.
  • Pear shape.
  • Pale green corrugated skin.
  • Fine hairs on skin.
  • Grow on a trellised vine.

Peel and remove the core, slice into large pieces and boil or steam. Stuff halved chokos, use sliced in soups or casseroles.

The choko is a tropical to subtropical plant which grows in warm, humid conditions. Severe frost will kill the entire plant. Irrigation is essential if the crop is not grown in an area with moderate to high rainfall. Rich, nutritious soil is preferred and good drainage is required. Whole fruit are planted about 10cm into the soil with the large end downwards at a 45° angle. The choko vine has large tendrils which aid it in rambling and climbing. The choko vine is trained onto a trellis to assist in growth and harvesting.

Originated in tropical America. Francisco Hernandez, an early Spanish historian who spent seven years in Mexico in the mid sixteenth century, recorded that the chayote was a common vegetable with the Aztecs prior to the Spanish conquest. After the conquest, the choko was taken to all tropical areas of the New World and became a staple item in the diet of West Indians.

Botanical Name: Sechium edule (Cucurbitaceae)

Alternative Names: Chayote

Health Benefits

An excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of dietary fibre.

100g of choko yields the following:

  • Calories – 17
  • Total Carbs – 1% of DV
  • Protein – 0.82g
  • Dietary Fibre – 7% of DV
  • Vitamin A – 1% of DV
  • Vitamin C – 13% of DV
  • Calcium – 2% of DV
  • Iron – 2% of DV

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Selecting tips

Select firm unblemished chokos with full green colour.

Storage: Store in an airtight plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper.

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