The Retailer – Ben Johnson

Ben loves fruit and veg so much that he has 2 stores; Farmer Joes in Port Adelaide, and Banana Bowl in Arndale. Whilst the stores are different in look, feel and location one thing stays the same, and that’s the quality of produce and service you’ll find. Ben makes the trip to the SA Produce Market himself to select the fruit and veg that go on his shelves. He says he’s always looking for best value and best quality.

But Ben also knows that it comes down to what his customers want, which is why you will find a lot of Asian groceries at Banana Bowl. In essence Banana Bowl is still a true greengrocer at heart, with a wide range of fruit and veg, plus nuts, eggs and sauces. Farmer Joes offers an in-house deli, and a huge volume of produce, making it your one stop shop for dinner’s ingredients.

Ben’s experience in the fruit and veg industry has allowed him to really understand his customers. If you are looking for that exotic fruit, or rare vegetable he’s always happy to see what he can do, that is if its not already in the store!

It’s always a better choice to head into one of Ben’s stores as he really knows what people are looking for. Whether it’s a long melon, fantastic specials, or 5kgs of pears, he’s got it at Banana Bowl or Farmer Joes.

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