All of the fresh produce that you can find in Victoria at any one time, plus more!

With experience working in fruit and veg that spans more than 10 years, Tom Nguyen has brought his own venture "Tom's Marketplace" to the local community in Armstrong Creek. Tom's Marketplace stocks not only the staple lines of fruit and veg, but also some of the most exotic produce that's available, as well as fresh cut flowers, plants, meat, smallgoods, dairy and premium and hard-to-find pantry items - Item's that you won't find at any ordinary supermarket.

Tom's passion for fresh and vibrant produce is on full display in this sleek and thoughtfully designed store. Tom's aim is to stock every piece of fruit or veg that's available in Victoria at the time, as long as it's top quality! Think jackfruit, prickly pear, luffa and longan as well as every apple and stone fruit variety you can find in season.

Tom wants to immerse his store in the Armstrong Creek community and be a reliable source of excellent service and great quality produce. Head in-store to say hi to Tom and make A Better Choice today!

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