Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 5 mins
4-5 kids

Featuring sushi rolls with Qukes® baby cucumbers, cheesy popcorn, and a rainbow of fruits including Perfection Berries and Grapes on skewers.
It’s a playful feast that’s perfect for little hands, after a tiring day at school.

Recipe supplied by Perfection Fresh Australia


For the Nori Rolls:

  1. Combine the rice and water in a large saucepan. Cover with lid and bring to boil over a high heat for 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook for a further 10 minutes or until water is absorbed. Remove from heat, cover the rice, and stand for 15 minutes.
  2. Spread the rice onto a large tray and drizzle with seasoning, stirring to combine. Set aside, stirring to cool at room temperature. Meanwhile, cut 4 Qukes® into 6 equal lengths each, making 24 lengths.
  3. Place 1 piece of nori, rough side up, on a damp bamboo sushi mat, with one short side closest to you. Using wet fingers, press ¾ cup of rice over the nori, leaving ½ cm border at opposite short end.
  4. Drizzle short end closest to you with mayonnaise. Top with avocado and pieces of Qukes®. Use the bamboo mat to tightly roll up and enclose the filling. Remove the bamboo mat and cut into 4 equal lengths. Repeat with remaining nori, rice, mayonnaise, avocado and Qukes®.

For the Dipping Sauce

  1. To make dipping sauce, combine all the ingredients in a serving bowl and serve the nori rolls with the dipping sauce.

Cheesy popcorn

  1. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Scatter some precooked popcorn onto the tray and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in a 180°C fan forced oven for 5 minutes until the cheese has melted. Cool a few minutes and then pour into a small bowl to serve.

Open Faced English Muffin snack

  1. Split and toast a multi-grain English muffin then spread with cream cheese or ricotta. Top with shaved chicken or turkey and thinly sliced Qukes® baby cucumbers.


Create a tasty after school snack board for younger kids with our recommended snacks to provide a well-balanced diet for your kids.

  1. Cut Qukes® baby cucumbers in half and top with sliced cheese and Petite™ tomatoes.
  2. Fresh fruit skewers – thread Perfection blueberries, strawberries, Crisp Delight™ watermelon, pineapple, Sweet Globe® and Sweet Sapphire® grapes onto skewers.
  3. Snacking veggie bowl with sliced Qukes® baby cucumbers and Petite™ tomatoes.
  4. Place 4-6 pieces of nori rolls onto a board or plate with the dipping sauce and remaining snacks.
  5. Fruit and veg hydrating water; half fill cups with Qukes® baby cucumbers and sliced Perfection strawberries, top up with chilled water.

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