Feeling like a fresh, seasonal dish from one of the best in Melbourne? Well now you can cook like a Masani chef with this delicious Piatto dell’Orto! Made with Artichokes, Brussel Sprouts and Asparagus, this recipe is sure to delight!

Recipe provided by Masani


Artichokes Prep

  1. Remove the outer layers of leaves until you reach the heart, scrape at the base of the heads and peel the outer layer from the stalk. Cut the stalk at the base and prepare pieces about the size of your finger.
  2. Cut the hearts in half and remove the inner beard by scraping it away with a spoon.
  3. Fill a large bowl with water, squeeze the lemon into the water, add a pinch of salt. Steep the cleaned and prepared artichokes and let them sit until you’re ready to cook.
  4. Clean and halve the brussel sprouts, set aside. Break off 4-5 cavolo nero stalks from the bunch and finely chop from the leafy end until the stalk, set aside.
  5. Take the bunch of basil and tie a string around it to prepare a bouquet garni.
  6. Wash and peel the Jerusalem artichokes, add them to a large pot with cold water, bring to the boil, add a pinch of salt, reduce heat to medium/low and simmer for 7-8 min. When tender, remove from water, set aside and keep warm – do not throw away the boiling water as it will be used later, cover and keep on a low simmer.
  7. In a separate pot, on a medium/high heat, add the olive oil, onion and garlic cloves.
  8. Cook until the onions turn translucent (they should not be brown). Add the bay leaves, peppercorns and bouquet garni and sweat together for a further 2-3min.
  9. Drain the artichokes and pat dry with a paper towel. Add them with the stalks to the pot, brown lightly on a medium heat for about 5 min.
  10. Be sure to turn them as they cook, when they have taken on a bit of colour, using a ladle, add half a cup of the simmering salted water and half a cup of white wine. Turn the heat down to a medium low, and cook with the lid on, stirring occasionally. The artichokes should be tender within 15 min of cooking. You can check by using a skewer if it inserts easily they are cooked. The cooking time will vary on thickness of the heart and when they are picked.
  11. While artichokes braise, return to the pot of simmering water. Blanch the brussel sprouts and asparagus until tender. Blanch the cavolo nero and drain well.


  1. In a medium sized serving bowl, place a small amount of cavolo nero at the base, cut the Jerusalem artichokes in half and place around the edge with the brussel sprouts and asparagus. Arrange the artichoke halves on top, ladle over a generous portion of the broth. Drizzle over some fresh olive oil and pecorino cheese. Serve with crusty bread.

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