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Cannelloni is a yummy dish that is usually enjoyed at a restaurant. But with this recipe, you can make it in the comfort of your own home! Using yummy fresh ingredients such as roma tomatoes and fresh basil, its sure to be a delicious dish!
Recipe provided by Masani
In a large mixing bowl, or on a wooden workbench, place the flour in a mound and
create a well in the center. Add a pinch of salt.
Crack the eggs into the well and mix well with the flour. Mix with your hands until fully
Roll out with a rolling-pin and continue to pass through a pasta machine, down to its
lowest setting (it should be ½ inch thickness).
Cut the sheets about 15cm
Bring a pot of salted water to boil. Cook the sheets for 3-5mins. Prepare a large bowl
with water and ice. Quickly remove the pasta from the water and dunk briefly in the ice
bath, place flat onto a tray lined with moist tea towels to cool. Keep pasta covered with a
moist tea towel. Set aside.
In a large bowl, place a colander and drain the canned tomatoes, so as to keep the
tomato juices separate.
Take a paring knife and dice the tomatoes, removing the inner core and unwanted
seeds. Do this over the colander. Set aside.
Take a generous bunch of basil and make up a bouquet garni with the sewing twine.
In a deep pot, heat 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil on a medium heat.
Add the garlic and watch for it to sizzle until it is brown on each side. Add the diced
tomatoes (watch for the oil spitting) and the tomato juice. Allow the mixture to come to
the boil. Add the basil bouquet garni, generous amounts of ground black pepper and
some salt. Stir well and turn down the heat to low.
Cover the pot and allow the sauce to cook for 40 mins, stirring occasionally. After,
remove the lid and cook for a further 10-20 min uncovered.
Allow to cool, remove the bouquet garni and set the sauce aside.
Wash spinach and remove the stems. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil, blanch
for 1-2mins. Place the leaves in a large bowl of iced water to cool and drain in a
colander. Squeeze out the water (if any) and finely chop.
Pick the marjoram leaves, removing the stalks and finely chop
Place the ricotta cheese in a bowel and break apart with a fork. Lightly beat the egg in a
small bowel and add to the ricotta. Mix in the spinach, marjoram and parmesan. Season
to taste with salt and pepper.
Take a cooled sheet of pasta and place a generous tablespoon of ricotta filling to one
side. Roll the cannelloni and brush a small amount of beaten egg at the lip to help it
stick. Place in a baking dish or keep cool in the fridge.
In a medium pot, melt the butter on medium-low heat. When the butter has completely
melted, add the sifted flour and mix well with a whisk.
Cook the roux for 1-2min on a medium-high heat, stirring continuously. The roux mix
should bubble slightly and thicken. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
In a small pot, heat the milk with the quarter onion, bay leaves and peppercorns, bring to
a low boil and for 3-4min. Strain the hot milk. When ready to combine, slowly pour the
milk into the roux, whisking vigorously to prevent lumps forming.
Return the bechamel to a medium heat and continue to whisk until the sauce thickens, about 10-15 mins. The sauce is ready when it sticks to the back of a wooden spoon.
Add the parmigiano and grated nutmeg to taste. A little pinch of salt and pepper to finish.
Now with all the ingredients prepared and the Cannelloni filled, take a large baking dish,
lined with baking paper. Place the cannelloni next to each other, 2cm apart and ladle
some Napoli sauce over each and surround them. Dust with a little grated parmigiano.
Cover with foil and Cook in the oven at 220°C for 18-25 mins. During this time, keep the
bechamel warm. When ready to serve, place a single cannelloni in the center of the
plate, per person, and spoon over a good tablespoon of bechamel. Garnish with a little
extra grated nutmeg on top.
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