Wednesday, 19 June is Red Apple Day, when Australians are encouraged to support the vital work of Bowel Cancer Australia in raising awareness and increasing research into bowel cancer.
While plenty of Aussie kids – and, let’s be honest, Aussie dads – love to talk about their bowels (and think it’s hilarious when bowels talk!) most mums will ask the offender to leave the table – or the room. That’s a shame because we need to talk more about our bowels, not less; Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world, and around 1 in 13 Australians will develop bowel cancer in their lifetime. Bowel cancer is Australia’s second-deadliest cancer for both men and women, even though 98% of cases can be successfully treated if detected early. In this case, silent is deadly.
The good news is that a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a healthy body weight and eating plenty of fibre-rich fruits and vegetables, can help to prevent bowel cancer. Delicious apples are both the symbol for Bowel Cancer Australia and a great source of bowel-friendly dietary fibre. This Red Apple Day, have a healthy talk about bowels over this delicious recipe for stuffed red apples with smoky chickpea salad.
Stuffed Red Apples with Smoky Chickpea Salad
To help your family start a tasteful conversation about bowel health, we’ve gone ahead and prepared the perfect Red Apple Day recipe – Stuffed Red Apples with Smoky Chickpea Salad. It’s vegan, gluten-free and full of dietary fibre, and it’s also ideal for making ahead and packing in a school lunchbox.
Naturally, the heroes of this recipe are fresh red apples. Packed with cancer-fighting soluble fibre and antioxidants, apples may also decrease your family’s risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes. Eating apples can even help to fight tooth decay – so they’ll keep the dentist away, too!
Making Australia Healthier Every Day
Australia’s farmers work hard to produce an incredible variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to help you keep your family in good health all year round. To make this recipe, take your pick from any of the delicious red apple varieties in season in Australia right now – including Red Delicious, Royal Gala, Fuji, and Pink Lady apples – and kickstart the conversation about bowel health while you support Australia’s farming families.
Bowel cancer statistics:
Apple health benefits: