An immature flower head comprising of a bud with numerous overlapping bracts or scales.
The edible part consists of the fleshy tender base of the young flowers and bracts, plus the receptacle bearing the flowers.
The plant attains a height of 0.9-1.2m and width of up to 1.8m.
A number of shoots grow from the crown, each shoot at first developing a basal rosette of leaves from which the stem emerges, the edible buds are produced on this elongated stem.
The top dies down each season, but is renewed by offshoots from the parent crown, each new offshoot forming a rosette and flower stem.
The bud is a deep green colour
The bud varies in size with a round, slightly elongated shape.
Health Benefits
100g of Globe Artichoke yields the following:
Calories – 47
Total Carbs – 4% of DV
Protein – 3.27g
Dietary Fibre – 22% of DV
Vitamin A – 4% of DV
Vitamin C – 20% of DV
Calcium – 4% of DV
Iron – 7% of DV
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.