  • Technically a pear.
  • Round in shape, like an apple.
  • Cream/white flesh which is firm, crisp and juicy.
  • Skin is green/yellow.
  • Skin is russeted (brown speckled).
  • Has the appearance and texture of an apple and the flavour of a pear.

The Nashi tree is deciduous and has similar characteristics to other pome fruit i.e. Apples and pears.

Can be used in desserts, fruit and cheese platters, or eaten fresh.

The major climate and soil conditions favouring optimum production of Nashi are found in traditional temperate apple and pear growing areas.

Soils can vary widely, with drainage more critical in higher rainfall areas. Other requirements include winter chill for uniform bud breaking. Some Nashi are successfully grown in the warmer areas of Central to Northern New South Wales while other varieties grow more successfully in the cold climate of the Shepparton and the Goulburn Valleys.

Cross-pollination is strongly recommended. The important cultivars are generally infertile although there may be exceptions. Fully pollinated flowers usually develop larger fruit of more even shape. Honeybees are being used at the moment for additional pollination.

Nashi trees need to be protected from the wind with windbreaks. Trellis systems are used to additionally support the trees during winds. Crops are more manageable for harvesting, pruning and training when trellised.

Nashi currently have limited problems with disease, but it is anticipated that disease, which affect pear crops currently, will eventually affect Nashi. Birds and flying foxes are attracted to Nashi fruit. Orchards therefore, need to be netted.

Nashi (which in Japanese means pear) has been commercially grown in Australia for 12 years. The Nashi originates from Northern Asia and Japan. Nashi is the name that the Apple and Pear corporation of Australia sanctioned in order to market the fruit previously named Asian pear, Chinese pear, Oriental pear, apple-pear, sand pear, crystal pear and salad pear.

Names can be important in the marketplace and Nashi was decided upon because of the need for a catchy, curiosity-arousing name for publicity and because of the need to distinguish between Nashi and the common European pear, already familiar to Australian consumers.

Botanical Name: Pyrus pyrisolia (Rosaceae)

Alternative Names: Apple-Pear, Asian Pear, Crystal Pear, Oriental Pear, Sand Pear

Health Benefits

An excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fibre.

100g of Nashi yields the following:

  • Calories – 42
  • Total Carbs – 4% of DV
  • Protein – 0.5g
  • Dietary Fibre – 14% of DV
  • Vitamin C – 6% of DV

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Selecting tips

Select nashi which are firm and plump with unblemished skin. The skin, depending upon variety, may be either clear green-yellow, partially russeted or fully russeted and cinnamon like in colour.

Storage: Ripen at room temperature and store in the refrigerator crisper for a short time.

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