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Peas are a cool season crop which is planted in late March and continues to mid August. The crop is sensitive to heat and requires frequent irrigation. Peas grow in a wide range of soils providing that there is good drainage. Peas grow on trellised vines or dwarf shrubs.
Seeds of primitive peas were found beneath sites of Swiss lake dwellers’ homes dating back 5,000 years to the Bronze age. The main centre of origin appears to be in Asia. Peas were also found in digs on the site of ancient Troy. They were first grown for using dried (like split peas today). In the 16th century they began to be eaten fresh.
Interesting Facts and Myths?
Peas have come a long way to the tender, sweet varieties that we enjoy today. Archaeological have found them in cave dwellings dating back to 9750 B.C but the remains suggest that these early peas were not all that tender and that they were roasted over open flames and then peeled, much like the way we eat chestnuts today!
The average pea-pod contains eight peas.
Botanical Name: Pisum sativum (Leguminosae)
An excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of dietary fibre, folic acid and thiamine. A useful source of niacin, iron, zinc and protein.
100g of peas yields the following:
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Peas are at their best to eat just as the pod is nicely filled, but before it starts to wrinkle and lose its green colour.
Wash pods and remove peas from pod just before use. Discard the pods. Peas can be boiled, steamed or microwaved. Use in salads, casseroles or as a side vegetable.
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