  • Small, low growing root vegetable.
  • Turnip or globe shaped.
  • 25-30mm in diameter.
  • Scarlet/bright red skin.
  • Some varieties are white skinned.
  • Strong, sharp, aromatic pepper flavour.

Remove roots and stalks and wash in cold water. Serve whole or sliced as hors-d’oeu-vre, or marinated, use raw in salads.

Radishes require a good water supply and mild weather conditions. They will grow in any soil but prefer a firm, rich, light but retentive soil. Radishes are propagated by seeds.

The cultivation of radishes is very ancient. The Egyptians have used radishes for over five thousand years, the Chinese perhaps even longer. Throughout the centuries radishes have always had the reputation for stimulating the appetite. In the middle ages, radishes were used in the treatment of insanity, rheumatism and warts as well as a safeguard against poison. Many herbal remedies recommend radishes as a cure for melancholy.

Interesting Facts and Myths?

While the radish of today is quite small and used primarily as a garnish, the ones grown for winter storage by the early Greeks and Romans often weighed between 18 to 45 kilograms! They were eaten cooked or raw and seasoned with honey and vinegar.

Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus (Cruciferae)

Alternative Names: Cheng loh baak, Daikon, Green oriental radish, Lo Bok, Long white radish, Red radish

Health Benefits

An excellent source of vitamin C.

100g of radish yields the following:

  • Calories – 16
  • Total Carbs – 1% of DV
  • Protein – 0.68g
  • Dietary Fibre – 6% of DV
  • Vitamin C – 25% of DV
  • Calcium – 2% of DV
  • Iron – 2% of DV

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Selecting tips

Select radish with healthy leaf bunches and well shaped, well coloured radishes.

Storage: Remove tops and place radish in an airtight plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper.

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