A Better Choice For Freshness

In an ideal world, you’ll have a child that will eat everything and love their veggies! But, that isn’t always realistic. There are ways that you can get your child interested in food, and teach them about how food can keep them full of energy and healthy, and here are the best methods to do just that!

Cook with them

Getting kids interested in food by cooking with them. Get them involved by letting them choose the recipe, or help with stirring the pot. Little things like that will not only be a great bonding experience for you, but also give you a chance to educate them on what goes into their food.

Shop with them

This one may require a little bit of patience, but will be worthwhile. Make them create a list of fruit and veg that they would like to cook with, and give them a shopping basket. Closely monitor this though, you never know what might find its way into the basket!

Make meals colourful

Using an array of veggies will make your plate colourful and more appetizing. Kid’s appreciate that, and are more likely to ask questions about the purple veg, which will lead to them learning and being more interested.

Educate them

By educating them on what healthy food can do for their body, they will start thinking more and more about what they are eating. For example, teach them about how carbs are fuel for their bodies, and will help them have enough energy for the big race at school or the sport they play on the weekend.

It’s important kids have a healthy relationship with food, from an early age. All of these methods will help them get the most out of their food, and also help them to start choosing healthy foods over junk food!

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