Raspberry Choc Balls
1.5 hrs

Chocolatey goodness with a hint of coconut and a pop of raspberries…. The perfect little treat without too much guilty pleasure.

Super easy to make, these non-bake chocolate berry morsels are the ultimate snack, particularly for anyone with a sweet tooth. Make a batch a head of time, keep them in your fridge and next time you go wobbly at the knees for something sweet you’re all set to go with a much healthier alternative!

If you are wanting to spread the love, these balls will also make an excellent Valentine’s Day gift. Pop them in to a sweet little treat box or wrap them up in your favourite shade of cellophane and pop on a pretty bow. Your Valentines will be feeling very chuffed indeed!


Roll Ins

Use any of the following ingredients as “roll ins” for your balls. Use multiple if you wish to give you an excellent variety.

  • Dried coconut, blitzed in a food processor so it becomes desiccated.
  • Freeze dried strawberries, crushed
  • Goji Berries, blitzed in a food processor to make a crumb
  • Crushed walnuts
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cacao powder, (if you like bitter)
  • Almonds, blitzed in a food processor to make a crumb
  • Oats, blitzed in a food processor with a drop or two of vanilla to make a crumb


  1. Place cashews, coconut butter and vanilla into a high speed food processor. Process on high for 30 – 40 seconds.
  2. Add remaining ingredients except the “roll ins” ingredients. Process on high until everything is well combined, and forms a soft “dough”, approximately 60 seconds.
  3. Taking a tablespoon of mixture at a time, roll in to balls. (You may want to wet your hands slightly as the mixture can be quite sticky).
  4. Once all mixture has been rolled in to balls, lay out the roll ins of choice one at a time on to a plate.
  5. Roll the choco raspberry balls (one ball at a time) into a “roll in” until evenly covered. Continue and repeat so all balls are covered using the different roll ins of choice.
  6. Place in fridge to harden for at least an hour.



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