Orange & Grapefruit Salsa
This salsa is great spooned over pancakes, crepes or pikelets, baked or stewed fruit, thick yoghurt or ice cream.
The orange is a member of the citrus family.
The orange is an evergreen, rounded tree with regular branches. It grows some 5-10 metres tall after 25 years. The leaves are dark green and waxy, of medium size and oval-oblong in shape. The flowers are white, small, but fragrant.
Orange palatability does not improve after harvest, as no starch reserves are available for conversion to sugars. Therefore maturity at harvest is critical if high quality is to be achieved. Oranges are less susceptible to mechanical damage than most other fruits and vegetables. They can be stored for relatively long periods at ambient conditions. Optimum temperature maintenance is far less critical with oranges than for most other products.
Eat fresh, or cut into segments and use in fruit and vegetable salads, compotes, with chicken, duck, pork or ham. They may be incorporated into desserts, pies and flans. Use juice and grated rind in cakes, breads, biscuits, sherbets, ice-cream and cake icings, or as a sauce for both savoury and sweet dishes. Try orange juice or sauce over chicken and meats or as a topping for ice-cream or fruit.
The range of climatic conditions suitable for growing oranges varies with the condition and age of the tree, not forgetting to mention the variety requirements. Generally however, if the trees are well supplied with soil moisture, oranges can tolerate high temperatures but are generally sensitive to frost. Sheltered, warm, sunny sites are best for citrus plantings.
Orange trees need well drained soil and prefer loams and sandy loams to heavier or lighter textured soils. The orchard site should be protected against strong winds to prevent wind scarring, which down-grades the fruit. Autumn and winter are the best times for planting orange trees and both irrigation and regular fertilisation are essential for good growth and profitable crops.
The orange is believed to have originated in India, Siam or southern China. It is a fruit which was known to the Romans, and was cultivated widely around the Mediterranean.
Interesting Facts and Myths?
Oranges, lemons, watermelons, and tomatoes are berries.
“Champagne and orange juice is a great drink. The orange improves the champagne. The champagne definitely improves the orange.” Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges.
Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis (Rutaceae)
Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid and dietary fibre.
100g of orange yields the following:
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Choose firm, glossy fruit that are heavy for their size, which is indicative of good juice content. While a bright orange skin colour is certainly attractive, it is not a sure guide to quality. Oranges having a partially green peel are just as juicy and sweet.
Avoid puffy, spongy or shrivelled oranges, which are light in weight, lacking juice and of poor quality. Decay is indicated by soft surface areas, which may also be slightly discoloured.
Decaying oranges emit relatively high amounts of ethylene therefore storage with ethylene-sensitive products such as bananas should be avoided.
Storage: Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator crisper.
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