80 min
Autumn, Spring, Winter

Make the most of mandarin season and try this great Mandarin Ginger Tart recipe. You will impress your friends and family, whilst also treating yourself to a wonderfully flavoured dessert.


Preheat oven to 180C. Grease eight 10cm fluted tart tins.

Pastry Base – Sift flours three times. Mix flours, butter and caster sugar in a food processor until mixture resembles crumbs. Add water and process until mixture comes together. Turn dough onto a lightly corn floured surface and knead lightly. Wrap in glad wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Roll – pastry out until 2mm thick and line tart tins. Line pastry with baking paper, fill with ceramic pastry weights or cooked rice. Bake for 10 minutes or until pastry is firm. Remove the weights from and baking paper.

Custard – Pour soy milk in a saucepan and bring to a simmer over low heat. Remove from heat. Whisk eggs, vanilla and sugar in a bowl until combined. Quickly whisk hot soy milk into the egg mixture and sieve if necessary. Leave to cool.

Pour the custard into the cooked pastry case. Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until just set. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

Glaze – Boil then simmer Aussie mandarin juice and caster sugar on a medium heat until glaze thickens.  Add grated ginger prior to taking off the heat.

Plating – Top each custard tart with segments of Aussie mandarins, pour the glaze over the top and serve with cream.

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