A Better Choice For Freshness

Stone fruit is always a go-to in Summer. Hungry but in a rush? Grab a peach. Looking for a snack just before dinner, but don’t want to ruin your appetite? A plum is your friend. They’re juicy and sweet and the perfect fruit for the warm weather.

As the name suggests, a stone fruit has a pit or stone in the center and is surrounded by sweet, soft flesh – so much goodness! They are also a rich source of vitamins A, C and E and a great source of dietary fibre and potassium.

Australian stone fruit is made in all states across Australia, with New South Wales and Victoria being the largest producers. Production is on the rise, and there are about 1,200 growers in the country at the moment!

Do you know the difference between the different stone fruits?

1. Plums
As far as stone fruits go, plums are pretty diverse. Plums can be really small, or as large as a baseball. They can come in different shapes, with approximately nine different varieties grown in Australia.

Here’s a plum sorbet recipe to try!

2. Peaches
Peaches actually come in two categories – freestone, which means the stone falls easily when pulled apart, or clingstone, which obviously means the pit is harder to remove. They are great for your immunity and are great source of vitamins C and A.

Here’s a delicious peach salad recipe to try!

3. Nectarines
Some people don’t like the fuzziness of the peach skin, so the nectarine is a great alternative! They are little bit sweeter and firmer than peaches, but they are also packed with vitamins A and C.

Here’s an interesting nectarine recipe to try!

4. Apricots
Apricots have a vibrant orange colour, and they actually ripen earlier than other stone fruit, which is quite interesting. If you would like to have them ripen even quicker, pop them into a closed paper bag.

Here’s some yummy apricot balls to try!

Enjoy all the above recipes and getting to know our favourite, Australian stone fruit!

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