10 minutes prep and cooking time

Crunchy Cinnamon French Toast?

This breakfast finger food is just divine!

It’s seriously simple, delicious and an easy-make for even the laziest of Sundays! With the best of the Fresh Bananas, Berries and wholesome cinnamon, our French Toast will have you loving life (and cooking!).

Want some extra fun information, this recipe is dairy-free optional!


Simply sizzle & serve!


Photo and recipe from our friend,  Melbourne Food Nerd!



  1. Slice bananas in half and add a sprinkle of sugar on the flat side
  2. Place banana in a pan with butter and allow to caramelise for approximately 90 seconds on each side
  3. While the banana is cooking, mix the remaining sugar with cinnamon in a bowl
  4. Mix the eggs and milk with a fork
  5. Remove crusts from bread, roughly flatten with your hands and add some of the banana to one side 
  6. Brush the egg mixture on the other half of the bread, tightly roll starting from the banana end and dip the roll into the egg mixture
  7. Cook in a pan until brown on all sides
  8. Roll the French toast in the cinnamon/sugar mixture and serve with maple syrup, icing sugar and berries.

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