Avocado, Corn and Tomato Omelette
Ingredients for this omelette are limited only by your imagination and taste buds! As seen in the feature image – we added extra spanish onion, green olives, tuna and spinach leaves. Have fun creating!
Sweet corn is a warm weather crop. It is sensitive to frost, but can be grown in a wide range of climates. Well drained sandy soils are essential. Sweet corn is planted from seed and has a high water requirement, particularly during the early growth period, at tasselling and up to harvest.
Corn is the only cereal known to have originated in America. Sweet corn and maize are from the same family, though corn can be distinguished from common maize by its high sugar content in the milk stage and by its wrinkled and translucent kernels when dry.
Botanical Name: Zea mays var. rugosa (Gramineae)
Alternative Names: Corn
An excellent source of vitamin C, a good source of dietary fibre, folic acid and phosphorus, a useful source of thiamine and niacin.
100g of sweet corn yields the following:
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Select sweet corn with a fresh husk. Kernels should be plump, shiny and fairly straight.
Remove husks and silky threads and cut off base. Cook by boiling, steaming, microwaving or barbecuing. Corn can also be used in fritters, soups and relishes.
Storage: Store for a short time in an airtight plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper.
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