A Better Choice For Freshness

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to plan ahead for Mum’s special day. Take some time to cook Mum a delicious meal with fresh autumn fruit and vegetables and celebrate her! As it cools down, it’s a great time to make your favourite comfort food and relish in the last of the beautiful weather. 

Our pick of the week this week is Kiwifruit. Kiwifruit is in great supply and the quality is great this week with a variety of both Green and Gold Kiwifruit available at your local fruit and veg shop. Kiwifruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants and is great to add to your cereal, toast or salads for a boost of flavour and nutrients. Try our Kiwi and Coconut Parfait this week!

Make the most of seasonal staples Apple and Pear this week. You will find a wide range available in both lines, perfect for lunchboxes, or to stew and whip up into pies, crumbles or simply enjoyed with icecream! These Apple & Cinnamon Scrolls are such a delight and a treat the whole family will love! 

Pick up some Quince this week and enjoy the subtle vanilla flavours and try something new. To select a good Quince, look for fruit that is solid and free from any signs of bruising. This fruit will quickly become your favourite over Autumn and Winter, so get ahead of the game and try one this week. 

Pick up some Bananas this week. With Potassium and fibre, Bananas are a delicious snack that can really add so much flavour – from smoothies to curries, Bananas are a great option. Try our Avocado & Banana Smoothie for a nutritious start to your mornings. 

Citrus season is underway with new season Navel Oranges, as well as Mandarins, Lemons, Limes and Grapefruit in-store now. Citrus is a cold weather staple to keep your body healthy and your immune system in check. Have some fun with citrus this week and try out this Mandarin Daiquiri for a citrus-packed refreshment. 

Green Beans are great value this week and are a great source of vitamins A, C, and K. This Green Bean, Fig & Feta Salad is a winner for Autumn and is a great way to try out green beans. We also love them cooked and tossed in olive oil, garlic and salt for a delicious and simple side dish.  

Leeks are a great option in Autumn and are a great substitute for onions for a more subtle flavour. Leeks can be prepared in roasts, pasta dishes, salads or soups. For a no-fuss dinner, try this Mushroom & Lvvveek Tart

Fennel is a flavoursome root veg available at your local fruit and veg shop this week. Fennel is a good source of vitamin C and calcium. Make Fennel the star of the table this week with this recipe for Braised Fennel with Garlic Butterbeans.

Broccoli is a truly great vegetable with a variety of serving options and can be added to your meals in so many creative ways. Whether you steam, char or roast it, Broccoli brings you so many great nutritional benefits. If you’re feeling like adding Broccoli to your brekkie, try these Broccoli and Halloumi Fritters this week. 

Eggplant is in great supply this week and with so much flavour to offer, it’s well worth picking some up at your local fruit and veg shop this week. There are so many ways to enjoy Eggplant, and it lends itself especially well to comfort food. Indulge in these Eggplant Croquettes and impress your family this week. 

Pick up some Brussels Sprouts at your local fruit and veg shop this week. With a punchy flavour and unique texture, Brussels Sprouts are a favourite. Transform your Brussels Sprouts into this delicious Brussels Sprouts Gratin for a side dish the whole family will keep coming back for. 

Your local Fruit and Veg shop hand select their produce from local Growers and Wholesalers at the central markets to bring you the best quality available! Pick up some of this produce and more from your local Fruit and Veg shop this week!





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